Creating a Mom Cave

I have always referred to our basement as the man cave. It is a place where my husband goes when he needs a break, to hang out with his buddies or to watch a game.  I recently heard the term “mom cave” and I was instantly intrigued. What is a mom cave? I want one!

Turns out a mom cave is a relatively new trend giving women, not just moms, a place to regroup, get organized or even (gasp) relax.  It is essentially a prettier version of your typical home office.  While women have been designing spaces for themselves for many years, Elaine Griffin, one of the Top 100 Designers named by House Beautiful, gave it a catchy name and reinvented the concept. Mom caves can come in many shapes and sizes and it turns out creating one can be quite easy. They can be a transformed extra bedroom that never gets used, a little nook hidden under your stairs or simply the far corner of your bedroom.

Here is some inspiration for creating a space in your home that is just for you.

Photo courtesy of centsational girl

Photo courtesy of Three Men and a Lady

Photo courtesy of Young House Love

Photo courtesy of HomeGoods

Photo courtesy of The Life Styled

Photo courtesy of The Container Store

I have this very awkward wall at the end of my upstairs hallway that is too big to leave bare, but too small to turn into a room.  I am starting to think it is the perfect spot for my mom cave.

Step 1:  Find the perfect wall color.  Have any suggestions for paint colors that your currently loving?


Filed under Decorate, Family

7 responses to “Creating a Mom Cave

  1. Angel

    I love the bright yellow #2 picture the best!

  2. I have a mom cave. It’s my craft room, which is to say it’s our living room that we had no use for. I absolutely love it. It’s painted light gray, but only because I’m too lazy to repaint it something more fun. I have always loved Tiffany blue and would probably go that route if I had time to paint mine another color. I also love a warm buttery yellow.

  3. i love grey right now– thats what i painted my closet/itty bitty changing room/girl-cave {i have a dresser, makeup area, hamper, actual closet, and storage for shoes and supplies}. i the grey is nice because when i want to redecorate it’s a nice base color that i can accent with other things easily.

    i love this blog btw, a friend from college recommended it to me. we both went to marquette university too (graduated 2007). check out my new-ish blog if you get a chance

    mu-rah-rah 🙂 jcd

  4. Sheri Barrette

    all i can say is: I. WANT. ONE.

  5. Julia

    I want this. Brilliant. I’ve never seen it called this before, but it makes great sense! You should market that. The She Cave. 🙂

  6. I am drooling over all these mom caves. Then I glance around at my space and let out a long, drawn out, exhausted sigh.

  7. Pingback: I Feel the Urge to Purge... - The Mindful Palate

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