{Inspired by} Dramatic Branches & Autumn Leaves

Lately I’ve been totally digging the idea of swapping out a fresh flowers for big, dramatic tree branches.  Maybe it’s the autumn colors and falling leaves that are everywhere right now but branches just feel so fresh and sculptural.  Kind of like the statement necklace of floral arrangements.

So yesterday when the hubs and I went hiking, I came prepared with clompers in tow. I have a moderate obsession with anything orange so this stunning maple was right up my alley.  Anchored by some river rocks, it’s exactly the look I’ve been coveting this fall.  Pretty fabulous, right?

easy fall decorbranches floral arrangement

The great thing about branches is that you can swap them out with the seasons and they can be totally free, depending on where you live.  If you’ve got a yard, trimming those overgrown branches will suddenly be a lot more fun.  I like them on mantles, in entry ways or on dining tables like these gorgeous ideas below – anywhere that you’re looking to make a major statement and you’ve got the height to pull it off.

Photos: Martha Stewart Living, Coco + Kelley

Photos: Coco + Kelley, Lonny Magazine
Photos: Elle Decor, Rue Magazine

Photos: Elle Decor, Living Etc


Filed under Decorate

7 responses to “{Inspired by} Dramatic Branches & Autumn Leaves

  1. This post here is why I subscribe to your blog.

    I can do this: and look how beautiful.

    Totally doable and so affordable.

    Thank you, and I can’t wait to get my vases up in the family room, bedroom, and kitchen.

  2. Love love love the orange leaves! My loft is black, white, grey and red. Something like this would be a perfect additional burst of fall – thanks for the idea!

  3. I am obsessed with branches and leaves! I love your mantle, with the black and white photos and bold leaves. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I too love all things fall and the colors of those branches are just stunning. We haven’t experienced changes yet but soon!

  5. woah. i LOVE this look, and i’ve never considered it before. the autumn branches are just brilliant. lovely idea!

  6. Victoria Laur

    Ladies, I just opened my husband’s Marquette Magazine and the first page I landed on was the article about you. I immediately looked up your blog. Wow! I’m hooked! Great job, I will be looking to you for inspiration for my cooking/entertaining/decorating endeavors from now on. Thanks. Victoria

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